您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 俄罗斯艺术大师——瓦列里·巴甫洛维奇·波洛特诺夫作品展
展览时间:2011-08-13 ~ 2011-09-18




The major feature of the national landscape of Russia was to show its low-profile, peaceful, bright and penetrating characters through the painter’s inner feelings.

Valery Pavlovich Polotnov who was born in Zavolzhye believes firmly the inner harmony generated from the contact with the nature, and his artworks which are rigorous in composition yet with lingering charm show unique images from the nature rather than quotations from others. Through abandoning the sharp contrast of colors and distinct dramaticism, and coordinating the basic color tones, the artist is pursuing the atmosphere of melancholy and desolation, which is a faint yet audible voice. He chases the colorful beauties in white light seldom noticed by others, and he’s going after the sparkling pearl gray as well as silver white…

Using his brush, Polotnov remold the gentle and mild beauty of the natural sceneries in middle Russia. The horizon disappears in the brightness, and the villages far away are in complete harmony, while all these are focus of the colors (and artistic inspiration), no matter it’s a glimmer high in the clouds, or a glimpse at the dome of a temple, or even the silhouette of a Buddhist monk or a peasant. Without the gorgeous colors common in the so-called modern art and miscellaneous decorations, Polotnov’s artworks are still shining like bright pearls, graceful and elegant like poems.

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