您的当前位置: 首页 > 新闻 > 会展动态 > 拥抱世界的色彩——第16届广州国际艺术博览会
作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-06-21

三、参展要素 Exhibition Notice

Art institutes like national and international art galleries, artwork companies, art colleges, art groups, arts publishing houses.

【参展范围】Scope of Exhibition:
Including painting, canvases, print, sculpture, photograph, video, multimedia, integrated material and other equipment, etc.

Exhibition Expense
品牌画廊展区(二层):RMB 1600元/㎡
Gallery Zone(2F):RMB 1600元/㎡
特邀推荐展区(一层):RMB 1200元/㎡
Specially Recommended Zone(1F):RMB 1200元/㎡
光地:Bare Stand
RMB 1200元/㎡(二层)
RMB 1200元/㎡(2F)
RMB 1000元/㎡(一层)
RMB 1000元/㎡(1F)
展位规格:品牌画廊展区展板为双面乳白色PVC贴面木制展板,展板规格:高度为3.6 米;一楼特邀推荐展区为2.5 M。
Spec of stand: The wall in gallery zone is double-side milky PVC wooden panel,3M or 3.6M in height.

展位设施:展板、楣板、地毯,每个标准展位(36㎡)配射灯16支、 洽谈桌1张、地柜1个、椅子4把。
Facilities for stand: panel, fascia board, carpet, 16spotlights for standard booth,1 business desk, 1 locker and 4 collapsible chairs.

Professional Visitors
Collectors, art museum directors, museum directors, air critics, artists, exhibition planners, art brokers, art consultants, art enthusiasts, theoreticians, celebrities, famous stars, enterprisers, financial elites, news reporters.

Exhibition Schedule
2011年12月6日    15:00-17:30
6th Dec.2011         15:00-17:30
2011年12月7日    08:30-17:30
7th Dec.2011         08:30-17:30
2011年12月8日    08:30-12:00
8th Dec.2011         08:30-12:00
●VIP预展:2011年12月8日    14:00-18:30
VIP Exhibition Preview: 8th Dec.2011     14:00-18:30
Exhibition Period: 9th -12th Dec. 2011
Deadline for application: 30th Sep.2011
Exhibition Venues:
1-2/F, Building 2,3,4,Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center(#1039-1045,Baiyun Avenue South, Guangzhou,Guangdong,P.R. China

强大的宣传攻势  构筑城市艺术长廊
With Guangzhou municipal government strategic plan “City of World Culture”, Guangzhou Art Fair adjusts the publicity and takes the lead in putting forward the concept of “Urban Art Gallery”, integrating all kinds of media and advertisement, popularizing galleries and putting their works in ads to play a powerful support to promote masterpiece and create the atmosphere of urban art.

1.推广计划步步为营 Overall promotion

We will broadcast the Art Fair information to professional audiences at home and abroad by varieties of promotions such as invitation, news release conference, exhibition information and report, and help them make proper promotion plan to assist them in communicating well with exhibitors.

2.买家邀约全面周到 Considerate Invitation to Buyers

With the previous cumulative buyers' information, we will selectively invite the top buyers to GIAF2010 from China, Asia and all over the world, and provide them with VIP services including round-trip tickets and hotel accommodations. It is estimated that there will be up to 20,000 buyers present.

3.科学可续合理的广告推广 Reasonable Advertising and Promotion
We will advertise through subways, outdoors, newspapers, highways, and airports in Pearl River Delta, to build up our presence and wide our appeal.

4.直邮及短信推广 Direct Mail & Message Promotion
In order to invite numbers of collectors, art museum directors, critics, artists, exhibition planners, governmental officers, celebrities, art brokers, art enthusiasts and financial elites, we have prepared abundant VIP invitations and visiting tickets to mail directly or send to the potential buyers. Meanwhile, our Message Promotion Center will also unremittingly send messages about Art Fair Information to potential visitors in Pearl River Delta.

5.主办单位鼎力组织 Best Efforts of Sponsor

The sponsor - China Artist Association will take active part in organizing all members (more than 5000) to take part in the Fair.

6.合作媒体 Cooperative Medium
TV Stations: CCTV, Phoenix Television, Dragon TV, BTV, GDTV, Hunan TV and Travel TV
Newspapers: China Daily, South China Morning Post, Wenhui Newspaper, Southern Metropolis Daily, Guangzhou Daily, China Securities Journal and People’s Daily
Magazines: Hurun Report (Luxury Business Portal), Art Value, Gallery, Artist, Artron, Art Map, Life-Element, Hiesquire
Websites: China Artist Association, Artron.net, iONLY.com.cn, artintern.net, artnow.com.cn, cansart.com.cn
国外媒体:artnet、artinasia 、Bloomberg TV、AAC、eyemazing、artlink、flashart、artprice
Foreign Mediums: artnet, artinasia, Bloomberg TV, AAC, eyemazing, artlink, flashart, artprice

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