您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > “继续涂鸦”个展系列之一:生命线——肖武聪作品展
展览时间:2012-07-07 ~ 2012-07-23
策 展 人:王南溟
研 讨 会:2012-07-23 14:00

继2011年“继续涂鸦”四人展后,上海大学美术学院99创意中心将分别对四位年轻艺术家做个展及研讨。肖武聪是作为个展系列的第一个展。肖武聪本来具有扎实的具象写实能力,但他的画面是用速写和涂绘混合的效果构成的。 肖武聪是放弃熟练的惯性,用一种微观的个人视角关注世界并回到感受的本初。把技术归于零再发现自己特有的表达方式。肖武聪的画面多是勾勒一个个临时的图像,比如木讷的人在灰暗的森林中,像迷宫般的迷惑,然后又要用有一束光照透过迷宫。它们一切都是琐碎的,色彩的自然而不确定的流淌,让视觉拥有一种漂浮感,其间穿插着速写加以固定,一次次速写与漂浮的色彩流淌之间的关系,组成了肖武聪的浮生空间。

After the ongoing graffiti group exhibition in 2011, 99 Art Center, Fine arts College of Shanghai University will hold four solo exhibitions and seminar, they are Xiao Wucong, Yang Kai, Huang Shichang and Hu Cheng. Xiao Wucong’s exhibition is the first of the series. Xiao Wucong has a natural flair for realism, yet his imagery is composed of sketch and dabbing. When all techniques become second nature, Xiao Wucong believes it would damage creativity, which is in inverse relation to facility. Facility is a kind of inertia or paralysis. Xiao gives up the inert facility in favor of a microscopic, personal perspective on the world and a return to the initial perception. He chooses to reset his techniques in order to discover his idiosyncratic means of expression. Xiao’s picture often captures one transient image after another, such as a dull figure in a grey forest, like a puzzling maze penetrated by a single ray of light. They are all very trivial, mere fluxes of natural and uncertain colors that imbue the visual with a sense of being afloat. The sketches interspersed in between help to pin down the fluxes. The interconnected relations between sketches and floating color fluxes constitute the space of Xiao Wucong’s floating life.

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