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作者:王春辰    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-10-28

Divided by the curtains: China/Italy/France Contemporary Art ExhibitionArt Critic: Wang Chunchen

Sparkling as highlights of modern life, arts is becoming more and more appealing to people’s interest and curiosity, and, the often-seen arts around has barely met their satisfactory yet, but more exotic arts from overseas is weighing as well. Idea sharing and exchanging no doubt is going to be a significant theme in the globalization process nowadays, in another word, any short of this will eclipse the beauty of our world.Well, if only maintaining a perceiving stance of relativism, not absolutism, and the awareness of distinction and similarity, we could indentify the variety and abundance in the interrelationship between us (human beings) and the world.

This is such a notion delivered through the exhibition of Divided by the curtains. Although with only attendance of six artists, two Italian artists Mattia Baldi and Roberta Pero (currently living in China), one French artist Guillaume Janot and three Chinese artists Li Wei, Zhu Ming, liu Xu dong, a pheromone is revealed: arts pioneers the internationalization, and the international arts only blossoms in an open and tolerant place, for the possibility of arts communication shapes an international culture.Just like a cultural metaphor in a split of second, Divided by the curtains conveys the distance of the world, the deepness of sense and the power of mutuality, which all happens in a bit and nuance. If we go for them and feel them, we will find they are right there around us and they are all along our reflection and imagination.For instance, in China, Italian artists did not simply embed Chinese elements into their works, but also in a form of artistic conversation, they merged a foreign culture into a new body of organism.

Meanwhile, Chinese artists, no matter animating at present or newly-emerged are presenting self-consciousness in a visual form displaying the inner struggle and persistency of Chinese artists.For those artists in the event, the arts of China have already blended into an organism with blood and flesh. They are breathing, and interpreting every fission and new experience of every minute. So, in the great process of cultural globalization, this exhibition depicts our new life attitude and custom---- through seeing each other, to build up a better communication, to enrich perception, so as to reach the uppermost contemporary art of our time.

Monday, Oct 10th, 2011
New York City

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