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展览时间:2011-03-04 ~ 2011-04-17
开幕时间:2011-03-04 15:00




 Art Channel Gallery is proud to announce the solo exhibition of Jin Feng entitled RHETORIC. Jin Feng has been always very active in Chinese contemporary art scene, his works often triggered strong attention and active discussions off in Chinese social communities. Jin Feng was awarded the best artist of 2010 Chinese Art Critics Annual Conference. In this exhibition we show Jin Feng’s new paintings.

“Jin Feng continues his exploration in his new paintings by integrating the painting material and technique, which he had not touched for a long time, into the conceptual practice with social problems and refines them. So Jin Feng becomes more open which is the most gratifying. It is as well as meaningful to use “Rhetoric” as the topic of this exhibition, because among Jin Feng’s paintings there are strikingly divergent interpretations and treatments for the similar issue on political and cultural aspects in different regions and countries. Melting those characteristics and differences into the paintings becomes the unique charm of Jin Feng’s new works. In view of painting ontology, Jin Feng’s paintings might need a certain interpretation, resulting in lack of trifling simplicity, for this reason, the rhetoric becomes a very important way to demonstrate his art. These paintings come to be a carrier of Jin Feng’s artistic conception, while the exploration and practice of painting ontology is in question.”

——Shen Qibin

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