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展览时间:2011-03-12 ~ 2011-04-15
开幕时间:2011-03-12 16:00


Since 2000, the constant and high-speed economic increase in China bore fruits, middle class appeared in large numbers, and artistic market formed. Artistic creation in China flourished as never before. Artist no longer appeared as pioneers and torchbearers in social life and they were accepted as professional artists by the people. The development and flourishing of market economy made it hard for the traditional intellects to live in the professionalized and technical society. Extensive knowledge and ideas were replaced by the detailed expertise and skills, and artists were confined by the style and market. The pressure of free creation changed into market demands from ideology. After 2000, Zhang Liguo retired from the Art School of Tsinghua University, and he had more time to engage in his own creation. On the basis of carrying on the aesthetic features formed in the 1990s, Zhang Liguo kept on exploring and associating the modern Chinese features with the individuality. The way he chose was to link the modernity with his own life. The theme of his creation paid more attention to his own daily life. There is daily life, and also including his memory and childhood. Many subjects, such as Smooth Mountain, River In the Heart, appeared for more than once and formed a series of works. Besides, Shadow, the most important subject formed earlier was put into different situations in life, and Shadow started to gain more characteristic expression. More dynamic shadows with more colorful expressions became the new features of Shadow art of Zhang Liguo after 2000. Thus, in the modern paintings of Zhang Liguo, the common modernity was not only based on Chinese culture; it was also blended with personal experiences, forming his most unique Chinese modern paintings.

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