展览时间:2010-09-07 ~ 2010-10-15
开幕酒会:2010-09-07 19:00
《Beyond the Border中日当代艺术家交流展》将于2010年9月7日在上海莫干山路M50艺术园区的7艺术中心举行,此次展览是7艺术中心与日本的ZEIT-FOTO SALON第一次合作,联合展出的是中日当代艺术中重量级艺术家们的作品。ZEIT-FOTO SALON是在日本具有权威影响力,以影像而闻名的空间。
此次展出的日本作品与中国绘画的共通之处在于:具体的主题、精致的笔触,如同要从画面溢出的大特写。日野之彦、山脇纮资、周铁海、钟飙、马六明、季大纯等的绘画都具有的这三个特征,而这些特征其实都源于摄影。同样是现代绘画,抽象派的辰野登惠子与丁乙、李磊则与上述几位风格迥异。辰野和丁乙都曾对high modernism绘画史进行过缜密的研究,都体现在他们现在色彩绚烂的作品之中。此外,青木野枝和东恩纳裕一都是同时也制作摄影作品的雕塑家?并非如此。青木野枝将圆环形状的铁条通过焊接使之交错相连,其优美的骨架投影在地面、墙壁、以及大地。东恩纳的雕刻、绘画则充满了荧光灯迷幻般的形态,这其中也都贯穿着摄影的光影原理。
此次还为大家带来了石原悦郎先生的毕生收藏。在胶片唱片还没有问世之前,铁盘唱片流行了很长一段时间。在这段时间里涌现出了大量经典的传世作品,石原悦郎先生将当时的原音以最为真实的形态保存至今的是1930年前后制作的SP盘(78旋转盘)的原盘。日本时代画廊(Zeit Foto)花费了40年左右的时间,到世界各地搜寻并购买了许多珍贵的原盘。经过SP原盘超级发烧的日本专业技师通过10年以上的研究,制作出具有世界最高水准、装备有谐音装置的均衡放大器(equalizer amplifier)和扬声器系统。通过古老原盘和现代最高设备的完美结合,此次SP原盘音乐会将1930年代天才们的原音以近乎百分之百的形式忠实再现给诸位。活动当天石原悦郎先生还会展出他的音乐装置艺术品。
石原悦郎 音乐沙龙
开幕时间(Openging):2010年9月8日 7:00p.m.
地点(Add):上海莫干山路50号17号楼2楼 2F,Building 17, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai
T:+8621 62999868
Beyond the Border - The Chinese-Japanese Contemporary Painting Joint Exhibition
Japanese Artists: Korehiko Hino ; Kosuke Yamawaki; Yuichi Higashionna; Miyako Ishiuchi; Ryudai Takano; Ryoko Suzuki; Tokihiro Sato; Noe Aoki; Yuki Onodera; Toshio Shibata; Toeko Tasuno
Chinese Artists: Zhou Tiemei; Zhong Biao; Ma Liuming; Ji Dachun; Zhang Enli; Ding Yi;
Li Lei
Duration: September 7th 2010– October 15th 2010
Opening: September 7th 2010, 7:00 p.m.
Co-operated: ZEIT-FOTO SALON (www.zeit-foto.com)
Beyond the Border - The Chinese-Japanese Contemporary Painting Joint Exhibition will be held in Tangram Art Center, M50 Art Area on Moganshan Road on September 7th 2010.
The exhibition is the first cooperation between Tangram Art Center and ZEIT-FOTO SALON which is famous for photograph and now has become the authoritative and influential art institute in Japan.
Since that, art works exhibited are all of the several well-known artists in China and Japan.
Common to the Japanese and Chinese paintings observed by Ishihara are the figurative motifs, subtle touches of the brush, and the adoption of close-ups that seemingly bulge out of the canvas. In addition to these three characteristics common to the paintings of Korehiko Hino, Kosuke Yamawaki, Zhou Tiehai, Zhong Biao, Ma Liuming, Ji Dachun, etc. are the special qualities of photography. Ever since the 1960s, photography has surpassed painting; moreover, the combative energy of trying to surmount such photography has produced today’s paintings. Perhaps photography here symbolizes the entirety of the visual image society, including television and the Internet, which have even gone beyond arguments about the superiority/inferiority of analog/digital. The history of the reception of painting and photography differs between China and Japan. Nevertheless, as they are both figurative societies, we can see in their works a universally common phenomenon that no longer recognizes differences there in.
The music played in Mr. Ishihara Etsuro’s Music Salon is from the iron plate records which all are Mr. Ishihara Etsuro’s collection all his life. It was the iron plate record that had been popular for a long time before the SP came out. The sounds remain quite real as they played on SP records (78 rpm) thatwere recorded around 1930.ZEIT-FOTO has been collecting these precious original SP records fornearly 40 years all over the world. An engineer who also loves musichas spent more than 10 years to complete the audio system with world class equalizer and amplifier most appropriate for this concert.Here, we proudly present our SP record concert for you to witness the very real sounds of the music geniuses from 1930's.A lot of excellent music, which was the classic handed down from one generation to another, sprang out during the early age.
On the concert, Mr. Ishihara Etsuro will share with audiences the precious sound burned on the iron plate records collected himself. Meanwhile, audiences will have the opportunity to have a look of artworks of Mr. Ishihara Etsuro’s unique musical equipment.
Mr. Ishihara Etsuro’s Music Salon
Opening: September 8th 2010, 7:00 p.m.
Address: 2F,Building 17, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai
T:+8621 62999868
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