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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-05-27

Curriculum Vitae

Michel Madore was born in Montreal in 1949. He lived and worked in Paris since 1977. Self-educated artist, Michel Madore has presented his work in nearly two hundred solo and collective expositions in museums, galleries, cathedrals, libraries and cultural centers in Canada, China, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal, Algeria, Bosnia and Korea.

Some solo exhibitions

2010 Museum of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an, China
   Galerie Yishu 8, Beijing, China
   Chapelle Sainte Anne, Tours, France
2009 Maison de la Culture Marie-Uguay, Montreal, Canada
   Figure Gallery, Paris, France
2008 Zero Field Art Center, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
   Refined Nest Gallery, Shanghai, China
   Chapelle du Collège, EU, France
   International House of Poets and Writers, St-Malo, France
2007 Rouen Cathedral , France
   Guangdong Museum of Art, China
2005 Saint-Pierre of Nonnains Church , Metz, France
   Cathedral of Meaux, France
2004 Les Chemins de la Parole, Ancienne Justice de Paix, St-Cyprien, France
2003 Retable in Chapelle Notre Dame de la Sagesse, Paris, France
   Figure Gallery, Paris, France
   Basilique Saint-Urbain, Troyes, France
2002 Contrast Gallery, Brussel, Belgium
2001 Jacques Prévert Cultural Center, Mers-les-Bains, France
2000 Konschaush Beim Engel, Luxembourg
1999 Contrast Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
   Parti Gallery, Pecs, Hungary
   Szog Art Gallery, Szeged, Hungary
   Brigittines Chapelle, Brussels, Belgium, (with sculptor André Fournelle)
1998 French Cultural Institute, Fribourg, Germany
   Quebec National Library, Montreal, Canada
   Guigon Gallery, Paris, France
1997 Lillebonne Gallery, Nancy, France
   Cultural Center, Trois-Rivières, Canada
1996 Château Les Bouysses, Mercues, Lot, France
   Quebec Bookshop, Paris, France
1995 Graphes Gallery, Paris, France
1994 Le Cercle Bleu Gallery, Metz, France
1993 ETC... Gallery, Forcalquier, France
1992 Caroline Corre Gallery, Paris, France
1988 ETC... Gallery, Forcalquier, France
   Canadian Cultural Center, Paris, France

Some group exhibitions

2010 Abbaye Auberive Art Center, Auberive, France
   Capazza Gallery, Paris-Nançay, France
   Romanian Cultural Institute Paris, France
   Marché de la poésie, Paris, France
   Maison de la Culture Mercier, Montreal, Canada
   Uiwang International Placard Art Festival 2010, Uiwang, Korea
2009 Asian Art Top Show 2009 Art Fair, Beijing, China
   Robert Marteau et ses amis peintres et graveurs, Issy les Moulineaux, France
   Capazza Gallery, Paris-Nançay, France
   Figure Gallery, Paris, France
2008 Capazza Gallery, Paris-Nançay, France
   Figure Gallery, Paris, France
   Artempo, Cugnaux, France
   Lille European Art Fair, Figure Gallery, France
2007 Capazza Gallery, Paris-Nançay, France
   Figure Gallery, Paris, France
   Idées d'artiste Gallery, Paris, France 
2006 Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France
2005 Capazza Gallery, Paris-Nançay, France
   Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France
2004 A corps perdu, La Galerie, Paris 8, France 
2003 Start Fair, Capazza Gallery, Strasbourg, France
   Figure de Diva, Massy Opera, Massy, France
2002 Traversée de l'Imaginaire, Marie Uguay Cultural House, Montreal, Canada
   Loto Quebec Collection: Trois Rivieres Cultural House, Canada
2001 Biennial of Laon, France
   Au delà du Corps, Aix-sur-Vienne, France
   Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France
2000 Kaysersberg Abbey, Kaysersberg, France
   Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France 
1999 Quinta Das Cruzadas Gallery, Portugal
   Biennial of Tuzla, Bosnia
1998 Knokke-le-Zoutte Fair, Belgium
   Tondo, Tondi, Montreal, Canada
1997 Biennial of Tuzla, Bosnia
   Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France
1996 Le Cercle Bleu Gallery, Metz, France
   Salon Mac 2000, Paris, France
1995 St-Paul Bay Art Center, Canada
   Salon of Contemporary Art, Troyes, France
1994 Saint-Paul Bay Symposium of painting, Canada
   «The Human Figure in Industrial Society», Contemporary Art
   Museum, Seoul, South Korea
1993 «Painters from Quebec», Carroz, Alps, France
1992 Salon Découvertes, Grand Palais, Paris, France
   Contemporary Art Fair, Rouen, France
1991 Caroline Corre Gallery, Paris, France


_ Dans la lumière du silence, Editions Mémoire Vivante, Paris, 2007. Articles by Michel Brière, Jean-Marie Chevrier, Claire Leman-Génin, Robert Marteau, Christian Noobergen , Michel Madore.
_ Rayonnement, Editions Les Cahiers des la Pressinomie, 2006. Artist book, poems  by Jean-François Rollin, lithographs by Michel Madore.
_ La Salamandre, Editions Fulbert, France, 2004. Artist book, poems by Robert Marteau, lithographs by Michel Madore.
_ Demeure du silence, Editions TranSignum, Paris, 2004. Artist book, poems by Jean Royer, drawings by Michel Madore.
_ Livre de Yù, Edition Mémoire Vivante, Paris, 2004. Poems by Michel Madore, Chinese translation by Cao Dan.
_ Carnets d'atelier, Editions Mémoire Vivante, Paris, 2003, Text by Michel Madore.
_ Le cahier venu d'Inde, Editions Roslin, Montreal, 1998. Artist book, Text by Emile Martel, original wax by Michel Madore.
_ L'étoile noire, fourteen poems and drawings by Michel Madore, 1992.

Public collections

Frac Ile-de-France, France
Saint-Paul Bay Art Center, Canada
Loto Quebec Collection, Canada
Guangdong Museum of Art, China

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