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展览时间:2011-04-01 ~ 2011-06-26




In Yellow Signal, the first UCCA solo show by pioneering video and multimedia artist Wang Jianwei, the yellow traffic light is both signal and signifier, a physical expression of the legal limbo between red and green, prohibition and permission. Designed specifically for UCCA’s Big Hall exhibition space, Yellow Signal is a work in constant progress, an ongoing narrative in the form of four consecutive “chapters” that will be unveiled at regular intervals over the course of the exhibition.

The four chapters are as follows: a video installation on eight large projection screens; an interactive exhibit of several thousand basketballs and linked basketball “hoops” snaking throughout the entire hall; a series of dynamic mixed-media installations; and a representation of a “physically inaccessible space.” Yellow Signal will culminate in a final live performance with video, images, lighting and sound. For the first time, Wang Jianwei plans to incorporate the Internet into his already diverse artistic practice; harnessing that uniquely egalitarian medium to expand the spatial, temporal and conceptual scope of the exhibition and reveal his own artistic process, considerations, modifications and missteps.

With visual theatre, live performances and playfully interactive exhibits, Yellow Signal is an open invitation for audiences to return, again and again, to experience each chapter as it unfolds and become part of an evolving process.

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