您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 纸之钻营——李红军个展
展览时间:2010-11-05 ~ 2010-11-27
开幕酒会:2010-11-05(周五) 16: 00~18: 00


无论是有意还是无意,无论是自觉还是不自觉,李红军的“做”艺术,都契合着中国当代艺术实践风口浪尖上的脉动——从年画作品《春华秋实》 入选1984年第六届全国美术作品展览,到1991年《老婆孩子鸡》系列油画作品中对于个人现实生活场景片段的关照中自我的缺席在场,和 1992-1993年《红蜘蛛》系列装置作品中对于现实生活境遇状态的体悟里艺术表达上的语言拓展。如果说,李红军对于绘画题材和装置语言的敏感把握和切身表达,让他的所做成为了中国当代艺术实践自身逻辑上有价值的个案,那么,他在《纸之钻营》中,展示出来的对于艺术语言中材料媒介本身的回归和深究,是否就意味着他本人,抑或是中国当代艺术实践,对于过度观念表达的一种退意萌生呢?


展览时间:2010年11月5日~11月27日 10: 00~18: 00(周 一休息)
展览地点:偏锋新艺术空间 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区2号院B-11
电    话:86 13341168778,86 10 59789562
邮    箱:pifonewart@hotmail.com
网    站:http://www.pifo.cn

What do we engage in art? For Li Hongjun, who is more willing to be self-proclaimed “handicraftsman” rather than the “artist”, the act itself of “creating” art for 20 years is the answer. Compared to speculative studies and interrogate of a lot of the artists, this is a practical response. This thematic exhibition of “Into Papers”, apart from the concerns and inferring of the material itself, represents Li Hongjun’s respect for art creation itself.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, whether consciously or unconsciously, creation of art by Li Hongjun fits the pulse on the cusp of Chinese Contemporary Art Practice——from the New Year Painting “fruitful” was selected the Sixth National Art Exhibition in 1984, to the personal care of real life scenario segment and self-absence in the “wife, children and rooster” series of oil paintings and language development of artistic expression in understanding the real life situation in “ red spider” series of installations from 1992 to 1993. If the sensitive grasp and immediate expression for painting theme and installation language had made his creation to be a valuable logic case of Chinese Contemporary Art Practice, then the return and investigation of material media itself in art language presented in “Into papers”, whether means he or Chinese Contemporary Art Practice has initiated the idea of over-expression.

Chinese Contemporary Art Practice has come to the time when our reality and life deserve more investigation to find the way of discovering and solving problems. So let’s start from the “Into papers” of Li Hongjun. Is it investigation of papers, or investigation of arts, or investigation of life, or all of them? We are waiting for the instructions from you.

Into Papers——Li Hongjun’s  Solo Exhibition
Artist: Li Hongjun
Curator:Jiang Yuehong
Duration:  November 5th~ November 27th, 2010 (Except Monday)
Open Reception: November 5th, 2010 16:00~18:00 (Friday)
Address:  PIFO New Art Gallery  B-11, 798 Art Area, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Tel: 86 13341168778, 86 10 59789562
E-mail: pifonewart@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.pifo.cn

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