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展览时间:2012-03-17 ~ 2012-04-29
参展艺术家:迈克尔·肯纳(Michael Kenna)
开幕时间:2012-03-17 16:00~18:00





M97 Gallery is pleased to present the exhibition “Hokkaido to Huangshan”, which will include more than 30 silver gelatin photographs of recent works by internationally acclaimed photographer Michael Kenna. Spanning across Asia from Hokkaido to Huangshan to Halong Bay in Vietnam, this will be the artist’s second exhibition in Shanghai, after his solo exhibition at the Shanghai Art Museum in 2007.

Michael Kenna is widely known for his enigmatic and ethereal landscape photographs, and is regarded as a present-day master of the landscape genre. Often using minimal elements and compositions, Kenna creates works of extreme beauty that touch the pinnacle of the viewer’s imagination.

Michael Kenna was born in 1953 in England and currently lives in Seattle, United States. Throughout the decades his signature photographic style has been praised for its outstanding quality. His works have been displayed in more than 600 exhibitions and museums around the world, and have been included in numerous permanent collections such as the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; the National Gallery, Washington, D.C.; and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Michael Kenna’s photographs have consistently attracted both private and public collectors as well as photography enthusiasts around the world.

“Hokkaido to Huangshan” will be the artist’s first exhibition at M97 and Mr. Kenna will be present at the opening reception on March 17.

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