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2011艺术家驻地工作室项目——Peter Vink
展览时间:2011-07-20 ~ 2011-09-10
参展艺术家:Peter Vink
开幕时间:2010-08-20 18:00~20:00

上午艺术空间一直致力于与各国各进行文化交流活动。上午艺术空间每年会邀请多位不同国家的艺术家在上海进行驻地创作。驻地期间,上午艺术把展示空间交付给艺 术家使用,直至艺术作品创作完成,在此期间空间是对公众开放的,观众通过与工作中的艺术家与空间的交流充分的了解艺术家创作思路和意图。



Peter Vink

Peter Vink于2001年毕业于阿姆斯特丹Gemit Rietveld学院。除了参与展览,他还定期为公共空间实现临时的和永久性的艺术品。他曾受荷兰政府建筑部门委托在莱顿的布尔哈夫博物馆和国家文物博物馆与Naturalis共享的储存空间中创作灯光装置作品。

在上午艺术空间的艺术家驻地项目中,荷兰艺术家Peter Vink会对艺术空间本身进行研究。上午艺术空间看起来是一个白色的一尘不染的立方体,但是它并不是:空间是位于20世纪20年代英国建造的卡特公寓的地下室部分,那里有许多过去留下的痕迹而访客却不曾注意到。Peter Vink 此次的作品将是关于照亮这些他感兴趣的空间细节。

am art space - Artist Residence Project

am art space intends to develop the cooperation between Shanghai and Foreign Art Residence Organizations. Each year, am art space invites artists from different conturies to work in the space. Artists are expected to work in the gallery space during the residency. am art space is open to the public during this period.

An exhibition of the artist’s work will be scheduled after the artist residence project.

During the residency audience can come and visit the space. If you want to  communicate with the artist you may have a reservations.

Peter Vink

Peter Vink graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2001. In addition to participating in exhibitions, he regularly realises temporary and permanent artworks for the public space. He was commissioned by the Dutch Government Building Department to make a light installation for the storage space shared by the Naturalis, the Boerhaave Museum and the National Museum of Antiquities, all in Leiden .

In the Artist Residence Project, Peter Vink will make research on the space. AM Art Space looks like spotless white cube but it is not. There are many traces visible from the past which are not noticed by the visitor. His artwork will be about this detail, the details which Vink like to illuminate, to show to the audience.

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