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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-09-14

Kim Young Sam
Born in cholanamdo, korea, 1958

1988 M.F.A, Dong-Kuk University, Seoul
1991 A Guest Professor at New York Stony Brook, U.S.A
1998  A concurrent professor at Dae jeon Uni

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2011  Lotus Gallery, Gwangju, Korea
2007 Hakgojae, Seoul, Korea
2003 Seoul Artcenter, Seoul, Korea
2002 Nine Gallery, Gwangju, Korea
2001 Gwangju City Hall's Art Gallery, Gwangju, Korea
2000 Sinsaegae  Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1998 Backahyaewon Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1995 The Painting Being the Pine Tree, Jin Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1993 Nambong Gallery, Gwangju, Korea
1991 Korea Cultural Service, New York, U.S.A

Selected Group Exhibitions
2007 The world Calligraphy Biennale, Sori Art center, Jeonju
2006 Finding the flow of the oriental paintings of the southern province, Nampo Art Gallery
2005 100Korean Calligraphy Exhibition, Seoul Art center, Seoul, Korea
   'The meeting with Artis', Jeonbuk Calligraphy Biennale, Sori Art center
2004 Tranquil light and Pure Vitality, the museum of Guangzhou, China
2003 Young Korea Calligraphy Exhibition, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
   Eastwind, Resistance and Meditation, Hong Sung-dam, Co-organized by, Gwangju Art Museum and Queens Museum of Art
2001 The Fragrance of Green Tea, Sinsegae Gallery, Gwangju, and Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 3rd Exhibition of the Korean Oriental Painting Association, Gongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1999 20Artists of the Korean Oriental Painting, Dowol-Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1998 Gwangju-Kagosima Exhibion, Kagosima Yemong Gallery, Kagoshima, Japan
1997 Korea Contemporary Art, Frankfurt City Hall, Frankfurt, Germany Korea Hwarang Art Festival, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1996 The Phase of the Korea Oriental Painting, Gongpyung Art Center
1995 Korea Oriental Painting Association Foundation Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
1994 Today’s Phase of Korea Art, Noho Gallery, New York, NY
1993 Korean Calligraphers  (invitational), Sejong Center for the Performing Art, Seoul, Korea
1992 Korea Calligraphy (invitational), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
1991 Korea Mok-Woo Hoe Fine Art Association-Gilim Exchange Exhibition, National Museum of th Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
1988 - 89 Young Korea Calligraphers, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
1987 -  Korea Mok-Woo Hoe Fine Art Association, National Museum of Contemporary Art / Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Korea Fine Arts  Association, The Korea Literary Painting Association, The Korea Ye-Mun Hoe Fine Art Association, A studying member of the korean literary painting, An invited of the korean exhibition

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