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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-31


跨媒介艺术家、研究、策划及评论人,近年专注於即场/行为及媒体艺术的创作及研究。作品多是就地创作,爱在文化差异及公共与亲暱之间进行微软游击,主要作品包括:「无视//不在」(针孔摄影,2008-)、「双|本」系列(跨媒介,2008-)、「寻找国民」系列(录影及即场演出,2007-)、「以身相许」系列(即场演出,2007-)、「听写王」系列(即场及媒体装置,2005-)及《(我)没有罪》系列演出计划(演出,2004-05)等。作品曾於香港、澳门、中国内地(北京、成都、西安、广州)、台湾、日本、韩国、菲律宾、美国、玻利维亚、纽西兰、瑞典、意大利等地展出,并為香港及亚洲多份报章、杂志撰写文章,曾策展「10 年回归前后话」(香港,2007)、「i-D儿女--公展生活」(香港,2005)及「LIVE+MAY」(香港,2003)。现兼任亚洲艺术文献库项目研究员,并积极参与创意及艺术教育活动。个人网站: www.wenyau.net

wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and time-based media in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space. Recent projects include Seeing is Existing (pinhole photographic series, 2008-), cop.ied (cross-media, 2008-), Civil Left/Right (video & performance, 2007-), i-(s)wear project (one-to-one performance,2007-), TengSeWong/Voice-Writer series (media & live art, 2005-), I pledge (not) guilty (live art, 2004-05), etc. Her work has been shown in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China (Beijing,Chengdu, Xi’an & Guangzhou), Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Philippines, USA, Sweden, Italy, New Zealand, Bolivia, etc. She is also actively engaged in various creative and arts educational projects and curated "Talkover/Handover" (Hong Kong, 2007), "i-D Generations – Living Art Expo" (Hong Kong, 2005) and "LIVE+MAY" (Hong Kong, 2003).Currently she works as Project Researcher at the Asia Art Archive and contributes to various newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong and Asia. url: www.wenyau.net

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