您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 香格里拉——邱显德巨幅水彩个展
展览时间:2011-08-13 ~ 2011-09-04
开幕时间:2011-08-13 (周六) 15:00


The word pronounced "Shangrila" comes from a Tibetan phrase, "the sun and moon in your heart," and it implies "a haven beyond the ordinary world." In the Western world, Shangrila has come to mean an ideal place of mystery, peace, and good fortune somewhere in the East.

Any mention of Shangrila inevitably conjures up thoughts of Tibet. Artist Chiu Hsiente, after a baptism of many years of exploration in Tibet, projects through his large-scale watercolors all of his fervent love of art, his fascination and fondness for Tibet, and his veneration of nature. Chiu also continues to probe the creative limits possible in the watercolor medium and to experiment with new styles that help him express his ideal of an otherworldly utopia.

Chiu Hsiente's works, beyond their ideal combinations of color and form, exude the vast and elusive ambience of Tibet. Through the visual medium of Chiu's paintings, hearts that are weary of the ordinary world can be restored in a place of peace and purity. These new large-scale watercolors by Chiu Hsiente will surely resonate with anyone who keeps in their heart a personal vision of their own Shangrila.

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