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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-09-08

ZHENG  Zaidong

Taiwanese famous artist, China
1953  Born in Tai wan, China
Now working and living in Shang and Taipei as professional artist

During the past fifteen years, Cheng Tsaitung has repeatedly and infatuatedly depicted the same kind of patterns in most of his works, which can be summed up in a poem title: Drinking Alone in the Moon — endless dark blue night, two or three very tiny persons in the distance, with a boat aside or not; With rare stones around or not. All is quite, but nothing is visible except the moon hanging in the sky.

—Shu Guozhi /Writer

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2010  “ The exhibition of the landscape paiting of Zheng Zaidong , Yard Gallery , Shanghai
2007 “Ranging in France — Zeng Zaigong’s solo exhibition ”,Red Bridge Gallery, Shanghai
2006 “Moon and Shadow Cheer Me Through”, Shang Gallery of Art, Shanghai
2002 “Raises Glass Invites the Bright Moonlight”, Fubang Plaza, Taipei
2001 “Cheng Tsaitung”, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong
2000 “The toys become dispirited ”, Lin and Keng Gallery, Taipei
   “Why not holds the candle to Tour”, Lin and Keng Gallery, Taipei
1997 “Return to Taiwan”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1996 “Personal History Retrospect”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1994 “Beauty Life”, Crown Art Centre, Taipei
   “Until the End of Time”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1993 “Scented Moon”, Hsiung Shih Gallery, Taipei
1992 “Taipei Oblicion”, Lion Gallery, Taipei
   “A Sailors’Trund”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1991 “A Stroll Around Taipei”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1990 “Apparition”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1986 “The Empty House”, Taipei

Selected Group Exhibitions
2010 “Preface to in end beyond mountains”, Beijing Center for the Arts , Beijing
2009 “Unnature”, Beijing Center for the Arts , Beijing
2008 “Living in the seclusion---Zheng Zaidong and Yu Peng’s group show” , Zhang Jiang Contemporary Art Center.
2004 “Mountain and Running Water ”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai
   “Cheng Tsaitung, Zhou Chunya, Liu Wei Group Show”, Shang Gallery of Art, Shanghai
   “Surmounting Boundary ”, Shang Gallery of Art, Shanghai
2002 “Paris Pedin”, Espace Cardin, Paris, France
2001 “Towards a New Image — Twenty Years of Chinese Contemporary Painting”, National Art Museum, Beijing; Shang Art Museum, Si Chuan Art Museum; Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangdong
1997 “Faces and Bodies from China — Chinese Contemporary Art”, Prague, Czech
1996 “Reckoning with the Past — Chinese Contemporary Painting”, Fruit market Gallery , Great Britain
1994 “Open Culture”,Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
     “Korean Art Festival”, Pusan Modern Museum, Korean
1993 “Taiwan 90s New Concept Group”, Hanart(Taipei) Gallery, Taipei
1992 “Discontinuity and Continuity”, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei
1991 “Individual Movement”, Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong
1989 “Contemporary Art Exhibition”, National Museum of History, Taipei
1988 “Contemporary Ink Painting — Taiwanese Artists Group Show”, National Museum of History, Taipei
1986 “Exchange Exhibition of China and South Korea”, National Museum of History, Taipei
1985 “Taiwan New Painting”, National Museum of History, Taipei
1984 “Taiwan New Painting”, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong

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