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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-09-06

Marc Desgrandchamps 是法国当代进行绘画现实革新中极具代表性的艺术大师之一, 被称之为具象后现代的代表人物,他的作品恬然自得,透视效果的画面中安逸闲适处处皆在。自1987年在蓬皮杜中心举办首个个展以来,他基本上成为了美术馆的独宠,除了在法国各大美术馆举办个人展览,他的作品也成为了这些知名美术馆的重要收藏。受巴黎市立现代美术馆馆长之邀正在展出的马克回顾展,更加奠定了他法国最重要的架上艺术家的地位。他的作品以一种“消逝”的形象为他在当代绘画中占据了一席之地。他的画主要描绘女人的背影, 马和风景等重叠的景象,类似于照片多次曝光的效果。透明且略微暗沉的色调加上稀释过度流淌的颜料给人以转瞬即逝的感觉。有人称Marc Desgrandchamps 是描绘时间的人。

Marc Desgrandchamps is one major player in the renewal of French pictorial art today. He has been dubbed the “representative of figurative post-modern art”. Since his first exhibition in the Pompidou Art Centre in Paris in 2006, his work has become favorite among the biggest museums, his paintings are constantly exhibited in all the Arts institutes of France, and become an important part of their collection. A retrospective exhibition of Marc Desgrandchamps’s works is now showing at the Musee Moderne de la ville de Paris on the invitation of its Director, thus confirming the painter’s most important position as an artist on France’s art scene today. His works achieve through the logic of art history the search and the expression of beauty, and while they show the beauty of everyday life, they transcend time, which is what confers them the eternal aesthetic quality of major works. The subtle, running paint endows the images with a dimly discernible and impressionistic effect, and at the same time implies the passage of time. The foggy reappearance of the daily life scenes is like an image set by a projector of memories, behind the canvas, bringing out yesterday through the twilight of time. Marc Desgrandchamps doesn’t mean to challenge people’s definition of beauty; beauty is everywhere, and from a sharp angle, it changes the seemingly coring everyday life.

关键字:马克·帝格朗尚,Marc Desgrandchamps,简介
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