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超越世界的衰落: 戴卓群、张小涛对话
作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-08-13

Zhang: I went to Guoqing Temple on Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang Province. The entry ticket was only 5 yuan. This is the ancestral hall of Tiantai Zong, a massive temple from the Sui dynasty. There are inscriptions from Liu Gongquan, Ouyang Xun, Yu Youren, Chiang Kai-shek, Kang Youwei and many other notable Chinese figures. It has a strong historic and cultural atmosphere. They resist against commercialization. Full market-orientation and commercialization is a big change that has been brought on by globalization. China just might be the most materialistic country in the world.

Dai: I just came back from Europe. I went to see all of the important churches of Rome, Florence, Milan, Zurich and Paris. I think that European religion is also facing the problem of secularization, and they have gone much further down the path, but their sacred world has been carefully preserved. When I think back about all the money-tainted temples and monks in China, Amitabha! The stench of money is everywhere.

Zhang: An impression I had on a trip to Italy this May was about the relationship between religion and the secular world in Italy. Their churches are at the city centers, and the religious life is still part of their everyday lives. This is important. Their morality and conscience is still influenced by their religion. I wanted to make Sakya a microcosm of religious life, one that could help us decode the predicament of the sacred religious world in today’s reality, and a path for looking at religion anew. Wherever I go I want to see the temples. The churches, museums and cemeteries in Europe are the “souls” of a nation.

Dai: Europe is also moving towards modernization, industrialization and commercial society. They are also destroying their religious civilization and faith, but in Asia, especially in China, these things have been completely wiped out.

Zhang: Ever since the May 4th Movement, we have been constantly deconstructing, overturning and destroying traditions. Part of it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. Today’s materialism could be said to be completely destroying our cultural roots. We haven’t actually built anything. As the fires of war burned during the Second World War, the Southwestern United University was producing academic results that our universities today can’t hold a candle to. It’s not the material that matters; it is the power of faith and the carriage and evolution of the spirit.

Dai: The destruction of the Cultural Revolution was direct and solid. It was in essence an ideologically extreme path of burning books and fighting ancient traditions. Now things are just consumed, and once they’re consumed, they become meaningless. All of the meaning and value is dissipated.

Zhang: I used ink to paint famous Chinese paintings with poetic inscriptions for my son. He was confused. Why would I write a poem? Why would I paint another painting? This seemingly simple question is actually a very complete question of aesthetics, and is quite difficult to explain. We can only seek out traditions within books and memories. Traditional education for children is very important. We need to give them roots, something that will persist.

Dai: This is also a form. When you educate your child, and you show him things from classical Chinese civilization instead of the paintings of Picasso, though it is only the surface, it can add up.

张小涛:毕加索的画他以后会喜欢的,他老问我为什么古人旁边老是有松树啊?为什么每一个人都有古琴啊?每一个都有书童啊?为什么山上有亭子啊?他充满了好奇,我常常和他用毛笔去涂鸦、一起诵读《三字经》、《弟子规》、《论语》等 ,传统教育在今天是一种奢侈。
Zhang: He will enjoy Picasso’s paintings later. He always asks me why the ancients always have pine trees next to them, or why they’re always carrying zithers, why there are children carrying books for them, or why there are pavilions at the tops of the mountains. He is full of curiosity. I often use a brush to make scribbles for him, and we’ll recite classic recitation texts together, like the Three Character Classic, Rules for Students or the Analects.

Dai: Is there any religious content in the curriculum at the Sakya Primary School?

Zhang: No. They have Tibetan language courses, and the rest of the curriculum is about the same as schools anywhere else. We interviewed a Thangka painter. He has five or six apprentices, and they persist in using traditional techniques to paint Thangkas. A lot of the locals go out to do business and find work. None of the kids who get schooling go to the temple anymore to become lamas. This is a very cynical change.

Dai: The more that new education spreads, the more this power will be diminished.

Zhang: Yes. This is a product of contradiction. Mankind should maintain faith, but should also have a progression of secularity and enjoy the rights of modern civilization. It is hard to control the balance.

Dai: The Sakya exhibition also contains some thoughts about the public good. What is your thinking on that?

Zhang: Today’s art should be involved in society, should care for society. A lot of people accuse us of being pseudo-sociologists and presuming to be judges of morality, but it’s not that simple. I think that real art should be tender and nourishing, having concern that brings together work and social relations. For instance, with this catalogue, we want to make it fun and cheap, and as long as students buy it, we will donate the proceeds to poor schools like the Sakya Primary School in Tibet. In this way, there is a sense of participation. The influence it has on art and the changes it makes to society will elicit rethinking. We shouldn’t make a big deal promoting our work; it’s just something that everyone should do. I have a lot of catalogues, and I don’t care about one more or one less. Can’t we do something more interesting?

Dai: Sakya seems completely different from Mist, but your work, and even your participation in the rights-defense actions in the art zones, all of these things share an internal thread, a shared theme.

Zhang: The “Warm Winter” action was very tough. How do we find artistic language to express this pursuit of legitimate rights, rather than simple, coarse resistance? This is what I mean when I say tender and nourishing. Civil society needs to be built up in a rational way. “Warm Winter” provided our generation with a path for returning to the public experience.

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关键字: 戴卓群,张小涛,对话,超越世界,衰落
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