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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-23



Introduction to the “ ARTMIA Living” Exhibition

Surrounded by numerous intellectual machines, we are living our lives at an increasingly hectic tempo today. There is an ancient Chinese poem unveiling a leisurely and harmonious picture: “an old man in his straw cape and hat sitting in a single boat, alone in the snow, fishing in the freezing and snowy river.” It seems like a Utopia so distant away from real life. Today, we are obsessed with material achievement, with little concerned for life; we are in endless pursuit of high quality, but with no idea how to appreciate it; we cherish deep respect to art, but only regard it as a symbol of social status. The most brutal truth lies in the fact that we are living our lives daily, but not nicely.

As an old Chinese saying goes, how can one be ambitious and capable of sweeping to victory if he even does not bother to sweep his own room? Having been exposed to endless mechanized arrangements every day, how can we continue to bear such a tasteless and monotonous life? ARTMIA Gallery hopes that by visiting this exhibition audience can have a unique experience in appreciating a variety of wonderful “ARTMIA Living” seen from the eyes of the artists. A message is conveyed by the exhibition: not only does the environmental art beautify external space and architecture, but also the feeling of beauty will arouse people’s passion for life at the bottom of their heart, evoking a return to moral virtues as well.

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