您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 《人·幸》——影像群展
展览时间:2011-10-30 ~ 2011-12-11
开幕时间:2011-10-29 160:00~20:00

2010年的《景 / 悟》之后,周围艺术画廊在2011年继续延续这样一个有主题的影像群展。《景 / 悟》是在说中国人如何看待风景,又是如何将自己的“望”放在风景之中。《人 / 幸》是在讨论人性与命运的关系。同时又是人面对各自命运的态度。“幸”有很多种解释与联系。艺术家作出何种选择取决于他们对“幸”的认知。这也是我们留给十位艺术家的空白。此次参展的艺术家:陆春生,陆元敏,马良,董文胜,张晓,曾忆城,游莉,单飞鸣,严译波,这九位中国当代的重要的影像艺术家会如何给出他们各自的答案?《人 / 幸》影像群展将于十月二十九日下午四时揭晓。

Following last year’s thematic show Landscape/Insight, Aroundspace Gallery presents a sequel thematic group exhibition of photography & video, Human/Happiness, in October, 2011. In Landscape/Insight, artists surveyed how Chinese people look at the landscape and how to get insight from it. Human/Happiness yet discusses the relationship between humanity and fate. It is also about what attitudes individuals hold to their own fates. Here, Happiness can be interpreted diversely and associated with many different things. The artists make choices based on their cognition of Happiness, which is the freedom we left to our ten artists: Lu Chun Sheng,  Lu Yuan Min,  Maleonn, Dong Wen sheng, Zhang Xiao, Zeng Yi cheng,  You Li,  Shan Fei ming, Yan Yi bo. What answers these important photography & video artists will make to the question what is Happiness, will be disclosed to the audience on October 29th, 2011 at 4PM.

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